Decision Analytics Lab
Selected Invited Talks:
Policy Evaluation Using Large-Scale Observational Data: A Case Study Addressing the
Opioid Epidemic Crisis, November 06, 2024, Harvard Data Science Initiative, Harvard
University, MA, USA.
Resilient Strategies to Address Opioid Epidemic Crisis, Center for Opioid Epidemiology
Policy, April 12, 2024, New York University, NY, USA.
Examining the Impact of Patient and Prescriber Characteristics on Buprenorphine
Treatment Outcomes for Opioid Use Disorder: A Pathway to Enhance Long-Term Treat-
ment Retention, The US Bureau of Justice Assistance’s (BJA) Comprehensive Opioid,
Stimulant, and Substance Use Program (COSSUP), August 29-31, 2023, Arlington, Vir-
ginia, USA.
AI/Operations Research to Combat Opioid Addiction Crisis, Society for Health Systems
Education Committee Webinar, August 11, 2022, Institute of Industrial and Systems
Engineers (IISE).
Mitigating Opioid Use Disorder via Machine Learning and other Data Analytics, Program in
Opioid and Pain Innovation (POPI) Quarterly Meeting, Brigham and Women’s
Hospital/Harvard Medical School Teaching Hospital, Boston, USA, May 18, 2022.
Analytics and Operations Research to Address Opioid Addiction Crisis, Data Analytics in
Opioids Use/misuse, INFORMS Annual Meeting, October 24-27, 2021, Anaheim, CA, USA.
Analytics to Combat Opioid Addiction Crisis, Computational Health Informatics Program
(CHIP), Boston Children’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School Teaching Hospital, 22 April,
Robust Causal Inference Tests for Large Scale Observational Study, Department of Mechanical
& Industrial Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Technology, New Jersey, USA, 16 April, 2019.
Predicting Risk of Opioid Use Disorder by Leveraging Massachusetts All Payer Claim Data,
Health Thought Leadership Network (HTLN), Bently University, Waltham, USA, 22 March,
Leveraging Machine Learning Approach to Optimize the Participation of a Wind and Storage
Power Plant, IEEE PES Boston Technical Meeting, Waltham, USA, 19 March, 2019.
Leveraging Machine Learning Approach to Optimize the Participation of a Wind and Storage
Power Plant, Schlumberger-Doll Research Center, Cambridge, USA, 28 February, 2019.
Robust Causal Inference Tests for Large Scale Observational Study, School of Computing,
Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering, Arizona State University, Phoenix, USA, 16
November, 2018.
Leveraging Machine Learning Approach to Optimize the Participation of a Wind and Storage
Power Plant, Renewable Energy, INFORMS Annual Meeting, November 4-7, 2018, Phoenix,
Panelist in Academic Faculty Applications, Laboratory of Information and Decision Systems
(LIDS), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 30 October 2018.